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Case Study: Urgent Care Facility


The Challenge

A large and comprehensive healthcare provider in Indiana operates 15 hospitals and employs about 38,000 team members. One of their urgent care facilities is a two-story, 23,000 square-foot building with 38 exam rooms, doctor’s offices, imaging areas, and a medical clinic. The facility employees 214 and sees an average of 3,000 patients a week. It was built in 1988 and renovated in September of 2022.

The healthcare provider wanted to ensure clear communication and respect conversation privacy within its building to drive greater patient comprehension, satisfaction, and employee productivity. They aimed to reduce distractions caused by the distant conversations of others. The design of the 36-year-old building made patient privacy difficult, with centrally located nurses’ stations adding to the acoustic challenges. Further, HIPAA requires appropriate safeguards to protect the privacy of protected health information, proving challenging in the current environment. With a limited budget and no money to renovate the structure, the provider began searching for reasonable, affordable alternatives to address the problem. Having used standalone noise machines in the past, the organization’s leaders sought a more comprehensive technology to address speech privacy at the facility.

The Solution

The provider contacted Lencore, a global leader in high-quality sound masking solutions for commercial applications. The Lencore team interviewed the facility manager, talked through acoustical challenges, and walked the space with the facility manager to understand the layout, specific noise issues, and desired outcomes. The team then took the architectural drawings and crafted a specialized sound masking system to address the facility’s unique design and needs. Based on their research, the Lencore team recommended and outfitted the examination rooms, procedure rooms, and adjacent hallways in the Nephrology Clinic, Gastrointestinal Clinic, General Surgery, and Medical Imaging with its i.Net Engineered System Solution. i.Net addresses modern facilities’ sound masking, paging, and audio needs. It masks intrusive speech and ensures privacy to keep everyone informed and comfortable. With extensive zoning capabilities, intuitive controls, and local and remote management options, i.Net offers flexible solutions to enhance workplace environments for any organization. The Lencore team installed the easy-to-use system and trained the facility personnel to use it.

The Outcome

The impact of the product was swift. The onsite team reports that the Lencore system eases employees’ concerns about sharing private information. “Noise is more subdued, and louder noises are not as strong. The humming sound is not intrusively notable and is soothing, as a bonus.” As to what advice they would give other healthcare systems facing similar challenges, their leadership said, “Consider it as an investment that provides peace of mind and a pleasant environment with a potential reduction in complaints, as well as a potential in increased productivity.”


“Sound masking is a technology that evenly distributes background audio to enhance privacy, reduce distractions, and promote work efficiency in a given space. Sound masking is designed to be comfortable to our ears. Think of it as a gentle, consistent hum that helps create a balanced audio environment.” – Director, Practice Operations
