SPEC - Improves Masking Design and Performance
Lencore delivers what most facility designers, owners and managers have long wanted: hard data about their investment in sound masking and a way to show how much masking improves their space.
Lencore’s Sound and Privacy Evaluation and Criteria (SPEC®) software program analyzes your acoustics and speech privacy levels before and after you add sound masking, enabling greater precision in system design and fine-tuning. The diagnostic capabilities of SPEC® software also make it useful for troubleshooting problem spaces and comparing sound masking systems.
After installing sound masking, the SPEC® software generates a Privacy Index Report™ that details improvements. The report outlines:
- Decibel levels and variances at all points in a space and between speakers, floor and ceiling.
- Speech privacy levels after installation.
- Articulation Index after installation.
- Sound masking coverage uniformity.
- Speaker placement and power consumption, paging speaker spacing (if needed).
Masking system owners retain the report to document safeguards taken to meet speech privacy objectives. This is particularly helpful in relation to federal mandates for oral privacy, such as HIPAA and GLBA.
This software is only for use by Lencore internally for designing layouts.
How it Works
Lencore measures the ambient background sound and uses a variety of other measurements in the space to determine the existing speech privacy and articulation and privacy indices, according to ASTM standards.
Next, physical characteristics of the space are programmed into the software, including plenum measurements, ceiling measurements, partition layouts and ceiling materials, among others.
After determining the desired sound masking level for the space, the software draws from a range of sound masking and paging system variables to calculate a number of specifications, including:
- Placement of sound masking generators and speakers for optimal temporal and spatial uniformity of sound
- Performance parameters of sound masking units and speakers
- Configuration of paging speakers to ensure speech intelligibility of the page
- Electrical requirements
After sound masking, the SPEC software generates a Privacy Index Report™ that details improvements. The report outlines:
- Decibel levels and variances at speakers, and between speakers, floor and ceiling.
- Speech privacy levels after installation.
- Articulation Index after installation.
- Sound masking coverage.